JIS Z8751 AMD 1-2023Reading methods of the vacuum gauges by means of the head difference in the hydrostatic pressure (Amendment 1)
JIS A1315-2022Test method for cracking by rapid high temperature heating of exterior materials applied for building facades
JIS A1121-2022Method of test for resistance to abrasion of coarse aggregate by use of the Los Angeles machine
JIS Z2510-2022Metallic powders -- Determination of particle size by dry sieving
JIS K0315-2022Method for measuring reducing trace gases by semiconductor-type trace gas measuring equipment
JIS Z8838-2022Method of droplet volume measurement by image processing using an electric pipet
JIS T8125-1-2022Protective clothing for users of hand-held chainsaws -- Part 1: Test rig for testing resistance to cutting by a chainsaw
JIS M8706-2022Iron ores and direct reduced iron -- Determination of size distribution by sieving
JIS K2536-4-2022Petroleum products -- Testing method of components -- Part 4: Determination of components by dual type gas chromatography
JIS K7148-1-2022Plastics -- Epoxy resins -- Part 1: Determination of degree of crosslinking of crosslinked epoxy resins by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
JIS A1118-2022Method of test for air content of fresh concrete by volumetric method
JIS A1145 AMD 1-2022Method of test for alkali-silica reactivity of aggregates by chemical method (Amendment 1)
JIS A1146 AMD 1-2022Method of test for alkali-silica reactivity of aggregates by mortar-bar method (Amendment 1)
BS EN 14587-2-2009 Railway applications Track FlasBS EN 14587-2-2009 Railway applications Track Flash butt welding of rails New R220 R260 R260Mn and R350HT grade rails by mobile welding machines at sit
INCITS/ISO 2382-19-1989SystAmes de traitement de I’information - Vocabulaire - Partie 19: Calcul analogique (Adopted by INCITS)
INCITS/ISO 2382-5-1989SystGmes de traitement de I information - Vocabulaire - Partie 05: Reprksentation des donnees (Adopted by INCITS)
INCITS/ISO 2382-4-1987Information processing systems - Vocabulary - Part 04: Organization of data (Adopted by INCITS)
IEEE 802.3BY-2016以太網.修改件2:25 Gb/s作業(yè)用媒體訪問控制參數、物理層和管理參數(IEEE計算機協(xié)會)
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES 90.1Addendum by-2013低層住宅建筑除外的建筑物能量標準
SJ 52453/2-1998XGS 208/160 BY17×3型片形釤鈷稀土永磁體詳細規(guī)范
SJ/T 31148-1994BY-11型自動印記打印機完好要求和檢查評定方法
NAVY MIL-W-6015 A NOTICE 3-1998 高強度6 BY19鋼絲(用于飛機起飛和制動)
NAVY MIL-W-6015 A (2)-1965 高強度6 BY19鋼絲(用于飛機起飛和制動)
NAVY MIL-W-6015 A-1953 高強度6 BY19鋼絲(用于飛機起飛和制動)
BS EN 12821:2009Foodstuffs-Determination of vitamin D by high performance liquid chromatography-Measurement of cholecalciferol(D3) or ergocalciferol(D2)