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1. Visual Inspection: Examine the exterior of the package for any signs of damage, such as tears, dents, or water stains.

2. Weight Measurement: Weigh the package to ensure it meets the specified weight requirements.

3. Drop Test: Drop the package from a certain height to test its durability and shock resistance.

4. Compression Test: Apply pressure to the package to test its ability to withstand stacking and heavy loads.

5. Vibration Test: Subject the package to vibrations to simulate the effects of transportation on the contents.

6. Incline Impact Test: Simulate the impact of the package rolling or sliding during transportation.

7. Environmental Conditioning: Exposure the package to various temperature and humidity conditions to test its integrity.

8. Barcode Scanning: Scan the barcode on the package to ensure accurate tracking and delivery.

9. Seal Integrity Test: Check the seals on the package for any signs of tampering or damage.

10. X-ray Inspection: Use X-ray technology to inspect the contents of the package for any hidden objects or irregularities.

11. CT Scan: Perform a CT scan to create a 3D image of the package and its contents for detailed inspection.

12. Leakage Test: Check for any leaks or spills from the package to ensure proper containment.

13. Tensile Strength Test: Measure the package's resistance to being pulled apart or torn.

14. Dimensional Inspection: Measure the dimensions of the package to ensure it meets size requirements.

15. Bursting Strength Test: Apply pressure to the package to test its resistance to bursting due to internal pressure.

16. Tear Resistance Test: Test the package's ability to resist tearing or punctures.

17. Accelerated Aging Test: Subject the package to accelerated aging conditions to test its long-term durability.

18. Light Transmission Test: Measure how much light passes through the package to assess its opacity.

19. Friction Test: Test the package's surface for friction to prevent slippage during transportation.

20. Flexibility Test: Assess the package's flexibility to ensure it can conform to different shapes during handling.

21. Adhesive Strength Test: Evaluate the strength of adhesives used in the package to ensure proper sealing.

22. Heat Seal Test: Test the heat-sealed areas of the package for proper adhesion and sealing.

23. Permeability Test: Measure the package's resistance to gases, liquids, or other substances permeating through its material.



