1. Spectrum Analyzer: A device used to analyze the frequency spectrum of signals and check for interference or other abnormalities.
2. Signal Generator: A device that generates electronic signals to test, design, and troubleshoot electronic devices and systems.
3. Network Analyzer: An instrument used to analyze the properties of electrical networks, such as impedance and scattering parameters.
4. Oscilloscope: A tool used to observe and analyze the waveform of electronic signals, typically used to measure voltage and time intervals.
5. RF Power Meter: A device that measures the power of radio frequency signals.
6. Bit Error Rate Tester (BERT): A tool used to test the quality of digital communications by analyzing the rate of errors in transmitted data.
7. Vector Network Analyzer (VNA): An instrument used for measuring the magnitude and phase of the reflection and transmission coefficients of electrical networks.
8. Wireless Protocol Analyzer: A tool used to analyze and troubleshoot wireless communication protocols such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Zigbee.
9. Frequency Counter: An instrument used to measure the frequency of electronic signals accurately.
10. Logic Analyzer: A device used to capture and display multiple digital signals for debugging and testing digital systems.